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Upgrade to IDX Plus+

Allow Buyers to Search by Affordability and Special Financing!

Help buyers overcome to the obstacle of home affordability with the ability to search by loan types, down payment, and more!

Instant Lead Alerts
Instant Lead Alerts

New Search Features to find Homes with Special Financing

Buyers can hone in on properties that offer special financing options like Assumable Mortgages, Zero-down VA loans, 3.5% down FHA loans, and more.

Your Leads Can Now Search by Affordability

Make it Simple to Narrow Search Results by Affordability Criteria

Remove the guesswork from determining affordability with new filters. Buyers can filter homes by down payment amounts and monthly payment ranges based on 30-year fixed rates.

Instant Lead Alerts

Used by agents in these brokerages & more



IDX Plus (Add-on)

Advanced Search Features

Features not offered anywhere else!

Search based on Special Financing

Search based on Monthly Payment Range

Search based on Payment after Down Payment

and all the great features of your current IDX Home Search!

Here’s What Our Customers Say

Multiple MLS feeds

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 28, 2023

like others have said it looks and works great. I’m told they now support multiple MLS feeds which is good for us SoCal agents.

Kyle F

Better than exepected

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 19, 2023

This is even better than what I thought I was getting. Facebook makes up a big part of my marketing efforts but this search should work for any agent, whether they are using Facebook or not. I will be exploring this company’s other products.

Jessica V

Better than my website IDX

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 8, 2023

This is a million times better than the IDX my broker provides on my website.

Kristen F

Order Details

MLS: [urlparam param=”mlsid”]

Product: IDX Plus Add-On

Plan: Annual

Have a Coupon Code? (ALL CAPS)
Total Amount: $49.99

Powered by Stripe badge Credit Card icons for: Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover

By completing your purchase, you confirm that you've read and accept our Terms of Service. Your service will auto-renew at the end of your plan period using the default payment method until canceled by you.

SSL Badge: Secure GlobalSign by GMO

Current Active Listings in [Name] MLS

  • [current listings count]

Number of Listings Added in Last 30 Days

  • [listings count]

Number of Agent Members?

  • [member count]

Latest Update

  • [Latestupdate] 2023-01-30 5:05pm
Satisfaction Guaranteed! We’re confident you’ll love IDX Home Search. If you are not 100% happy, contact us and we will cheerfully refund your payment.

Contact Sales

Contact Support

Available Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM EST

100% Money Back Guarantee

We know you’ll love our products. That’s why we offer a 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee. Just let us know if it’s not for you, and we’ll refund your payment promptly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any setup involved?

No! The new features will become available on your home search instantly upon purchase. No work on your part is required!

Can I cancel IDX Plus+ and keep my regular IDX Home Search?

Of course! You can cancel the Plus+ add-on to your regular IDX Home Search at any time. Your search will then include only the features it had before.

Where will I find the new Plus+ features on my home search?

You’ll notice several new dropdown buttons toward the top of your search with the different IDX Plus+ filter options.

Have Questions? Contact Us.

Contact us and one of our Marketing Experts will reach out to answer your questions.

Multiple MLS feeds

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 28, 2023

like others have said it looks and works great. I’m told they now support multiple MLS feeds which is good for us SoCal agents.

Kyle F

Better than exepected

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 19, 2023

This is even better than what I thought I was getting. Facebook makes up a big part of my marketing efforts but this search should work for any agent, whether they are using Facebook or not. I will be exploring this company’s other products.

Jessica V

Better than my website IDX

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 8, 2023

This is a million times better than the IDX my broker provides on my website.

Kristen F

IDX Home Search

Rated 4.0 out of 5
October 9, 2023

I would have given it a 5 star rating but there was a small issue with the data updating from my MLS. There was a slight delay in changes to listing information showing on the IDX. The issue seems to have been corrected. Other than I’m very happy and will be glad to update my rating to 5 stars once I’ve used the service for longer should there be no other issues.

Dulce P

Fantastic customer service

Rated 5.0 out of 5
September 29, 2023

I purchased this for California Regional. Customer service has been fantastic and continues to answer all my annoying questions. 🙂  This is a very good tool and I have a client who shares it with all his friends because he’s so impressed with it.

Brianna L

Lead search history

Rated 5.0 out of 5
July 2, 2023

I purchased this as an add-on to my business page on Facebook. I like being able to see the search history.

Carol A

Tons of compliments

Rated 5.0 out of 5
April 21, 2021

Thank you for the help. I have shared this search with my office and they have been nothing but complimentary.

Linda E

better than the others

Rated 5.0 out of 5
April 3, 2021

I have had a much better experience with this product than the one provided by MLS.

Sherri W

Looks great!

Rated 4.0 out of 5
February 27, 2021

Agreed that it is the best-looking home search out there. It should not totally replace your website however if that’s what you are looking for it to do.

Lynne W

Love it

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 25, 2021

You know it’s good when your teenage daughter and her friends love it. While I think the data is comparable to what the MLS provides it does have a “sleek” look and some extra like school grades and local Yelp ratings.

Max T

Connected to my CRM

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 10, 2021

The listings look fantastic in this search. They were able to help me connect my leads to my CRM.

Jill R

It's a 2 for 1

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 5, 2021

I was referred through my MLS and very glad that I was. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that in addition to Facebook this also functions as a Home Search website totally separate from Facebook. It’s like getting a 2 for 1. It’s better than the IDX my not-to-be named nationwide brokerage provides us.

Alex R